Kid's Edition

Kids Corner

Brain Food

Which brain does your kid have?

· Food is your body’s energy!
· Feed your body healthy foods for brain power and muscle power that help kids learn in school and run at recess
 · Meals should include colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy for strong bones and lean protein
· Don’t just eat one type of food, variety is best
· Encourage kids to try every food once before deciding if they like it or not!

The Food Groups

· Vegetables: find fun ways to enjoy vegetables!  Make this food group  a large portion of every meal. Avoid potatoes. French fries are not a vegetable!
· Fruits: fresh fruits or frozen fruits are very good brain fuel! Enjoy a moderate amount of fruits at eat meal. If your kid is craving a sweet… don't give them cakes or cookies and instead try some berries and cool whip. Avoid drinking fruit juices because they are full of sugar!
· Proteins: Enjoy meats that are grilled, peanut butter, nuts, eggs. Proteins are what your child's body needs to feel full and grow strong. Avoid fried meats!
· Grains: Eat whole grains, brown rice, whole grain toast, whole grain cereal. Avoid white rice, white bread and crackers!
· Dairy: Ice cream is not healthy dairy!! Instead, drink low fat milk, low fat cheese and Greek yogurt
· Fats/Sweets: This food group should be limited as much as possible!

Get Moving

· Exercise and being active helps strengthen bones and build muscles, and helps students get better grades in school!
· Exercise is not work, it is having fun at recess or playing games  with friends!
· Running, playing baseball, dancing, riding bikes, walking the dog are all fun ways to exercise
· Your kid's goal is to be active for at least an hour a day!
· Limit “Screen time” (video-games, TV, Phone) to 2 hours a day
 · Always be sure your child is drinking water when running around
· Don’t over-do any exercises
· Take breaks if they are feeling too tired
· Be sure to encourage stretching after exercise

Parents Information

· Childhood obesity is  a serious health concern in America
· About 15% of children  ages 6-19 are overweight
· In the last decades the number of obese children has doubled, and the number of obese teens has tripled
· This rapid increase in obese and overweight children in America is thought to be  due to decreased activity in children, increased “screen time,” and increased eating processed foods.
· Processed foods have increased calories, fats, and sugars
· Fast food and eating out is also thought to contribute to childhood obesity
· Try setting the goal to not eat out for a month, plan healthy home cooked meals . 
Help your child get active by running around with them, teach them sports or take a long walk!


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